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Yes I think a lock is a good idea from like the beginning lol. There have been the same questions and answers - like mentioned above in many posts in the forums and in conversations in chat ingame . Apparently some ppl missed the "train". <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Pearl is part of MT - no matter where I play most I am part of MT. My point is and was - if you read all the forums and pay attention ingame to chat - the staff have answered many times very nicely with the proper answer at the time. I have only played on MT a little over a year. But if I've seen the questions and answers - especially about lag issues - everyone else can too if they look. Legit questions and concerns are always welcome- redundant complaining is not - especially echos by troll fanboyz. Once again - ppl have said at the time what the then current issues were and what was being done. Staff has answered - but seems some ppl missed those posts or chats so they neglect to research before complaining, generalize and inflate the time-frames and bash anyone who recognizes or points out their mistakes. One on hand they brag about their personal time, donations or other contributions and on the other hand they demand instant and constant updates citing their "right to be informed" with no tangible evidence that they have done their part to "read back" or "easily find" the answer. When all they really want is the problem solved - which we all do. We will be there when we get there - until then have a cookie! "I AM better than YOU - but ONLY if you think you are better than me!" lol Bebetoo
over 10 years ago
Ok this is way beyond overkill. I am not going to go point for point - it is obviously pointless. I made my points - so have others - it still comes down to a few ppl who cannot grasp the information provided or they just want to complain for attention. I am just annoyed with meaningless counter-productive arguing over issues that these types of posts cannot solve. I was intentionally being sarcastic and facetious - we are all here to have fun - if you aren't happy or having fun - then maybe you will be happier elsewhere. Nothing said in this entire thread is going to make anyone solve the problem quicker nor is explaining every detail to members going to solve anything. Just let the owners and the staff do what they can. Making assumptions that they don't care or aren't doing anything "in 2+ yrs" - that's the unprofessional part.. I repeat - chill - go have a pizza - be happy - don't worry - it's a game! Read the 1st sentence of my 1st reply - "Where are the trolls when you need them? " It was meant to be light hearted to tell ppl to relax and to hopefully stop the complaining. I'm done. Are you? lol Bebetoo "I don't care if you hate me for who I am as long as you don't love me for who I am not!"
over 10 years ago
That's great - glad to see you took the time to clarify and reconsider your position. However I am in business and your point about "paying customers" is quite diff in MC than from rl. First it's a donation - not a purchase price or service fee. A donation is given freely with no expectation or promise of anything. However in appreciation you do receive some side benefits that non-donators do not get. But I do not recall the donator package nor the membership terms promising or guaranteeing no lag or no server issues ever. Some problems are just part of gaming - in MC or almost any game online really. The customer isn't always right! So in fact you are not paying for a product. And yes if you are not getting what you expected you have a right to leave or change where you donate or spend your time. All servers experience problems from time -to-time. I hope everyone will be more conscious of bashing anyone for any reason. Just please be mindful of making polite valid suggestions or solutions when you have a complaint in the future. My comments weren't intended to be personal - just general - against ppl bashing MT for lag issues and demanding instant solutions or threatening to leave and take their precious money with them. No one wants to endure these problems but sometimes they are simply unavoidable. As I said - have fun - relax - I'm sure the owners and staff are doing their best to make MT a great adventure. Bebetoo
over 10 years ago
And your degree is in ? I am qualified and educated in the human social and business subjects to which I have made comments. lol I love it when kids or some adults do not take the entire post as a whole - and selectively snippet out of context things that suit their agenda to point out the lack of another person's professionalism. Reading does not always equate to comprehension apparently. Read the entire post in the light in which it was intended. 1. People who donate are not better or worse than anyone else. Do not threaten with your money or your seniority or rank. 2. Almost all servers experience lag - and attacking the owners or staff for "not doing anything about it" is not only rude it's dumb. 3. Most staff - especially higher staff - on Pearl and on MT in general are adults with professions and lives who generously donate their time and talents to make the servers a better place and a great MC adventure. 4. I have seen endless dedicated time by staff -especially by the owners- to do all they can to address the issues and nicely answer the rude/whining about lag or other complaints. Yes they have far more patience than I ever imagined. 5. I called no one stupid or ignorant. Twisting and misquoting statements is very immature and does show a level of stupidity. 6. If you are going to reply to my posts (or any really) learn to be dialectic. The facts are clear. Anyone can make an assessment of the problems - only people who offer viable solutions merit any credibility to me. I'll try to put it in an analogy to make it better for those who don't get it. Imagine a train wreck (lag or server issues)- ppl laying all over the ground with various stages of injuries. The doctors (server owners) are doing all they can to stop the bleeding and heal the injured (the server). Some patients (updates, new plugins) have new or rare complications. Specialists (hosting companies, devs) are called in. Spectators (players) rally round and harass the doctors with opinions and complaints that add nothing to fixing the injured or helping the situation in any meaningful way. They complain their "tax dollars"(donations) are wasted. In the end the best spectators are supportive and patient - and do not threaten or rudely complain about the situation. And while we may be entitled to an explanation that there is a problem and all is being done as fast as possible to fix the issues, we are not entitled to the minute -by-minute solutions discussed or applied to remedy the injuries by the owners. Not to mention most wouldn't understand anyway. So please think before you attack and accuse - or misquote/misinterpret - and certainly before you post. My intention in my original post was to firmly state that ppl who are complaining do not understand the problem, don't know or care how hard the owners are working to solve it, the complainers' donations do not give anyone the right to threaten, and how foolish it is to take those positions. So my solution was to chill and try to enjoy life - let the "doctors" do their job without harassment. IMHO - a sticky or any posts about lag should be forbidden. It does nothing but cause drama and unnecessary infighting. Quite frankly it's pedantic rhetoric ad nauseam. All that needs to be posted is that we are aware of the problem and diligently working at a solution. BTW - no charge for my professional opinion - yes I am qualified to evaluate the human side of business, internet, gaming and psychology. I am an adult, Mother, a Grandmother and a 10+ year video gaming veteran with 3 sons, 3 brothers and 7 nephews of the highest IT careers of which I provided a great deal of the funding and support. I am a multi-national business owner and a published author of business publications and CD books. That said it doesn't matter if I were none of those. I do care about MineTown and love being here and part of a wonderful community. I said nothing that would offend any good loyal member and certainly nothing that wasn't true. However if any of you -who take the time to really read AND COMPREHEND what I have said - are offended - then I'm sorry you didn't understand it. Bebetoo luvs pearl - and MineTown too!
over 10 years ago
Where are the trolls when we actually need them? lol This kind of whining, complaining and outright uninformed, bashing of MineTown is omnipresent by only a few and happens on all good servers. A few socio-academically-pc unsavvy challenged donators waving their mommy's money at us for attention to feed their rl love starved attention addiction. See wasn't that fun? Aren't you all really tired of how nice ppl are to rude and hostile whiners. I am. I love helping ppl however when they act like they are entitled or deserve more because they donate - it really burns me up. Lag is part of MineCraft. It has always been it will always be. Sometimes it's hardly there sometimes it's unbearable. My advice to the needy crybabies about lag - L2research - maybe do some google or wiki or actual network/internet studying before you run your mouth on subjects of which you have no knowledge. You do nothing but make a fool of yourself when you rudely rant about lag and your "money". While we appreciate donations - if gives no one the right to be rude or demanding of anything. I suggest you chill, read very carefully again what I've written, bow down and beg forgiveness of all the MT community for your rudeness and threats. Then hop on and visit when I'm on and I'll bake you some cookies and cakes. I'll even make you a pizza. It's obvious you need some attention, but try to be positive if you want to get and keep good friends and attention - even in a video game. Bebetoo luvs Pearl! and all MineTown <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 10 years ago