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[E] CFthanatos
[E] CFthanatos
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about 1 year ago
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about 1 year ago
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Ok thank you very much for you time and effort taken to help me out.
about 1 year ago
Yes I have now read the rules and I again insist on the fact that I will never do that dumb desicion of hacking again
about 1 year ago
Hello this message might seem a little unformilated as the other because I don’t have access to a good translation device. even Tough it was but a minor infraction I do realize how dumb of me it was and do not plan to restart any of those dumb decisions( + I just realized that I could just of build a snow golem tower to kill them for me …) it was a really stupid mistake on my part and I assur you it will not happen again sincierely CFthanatos
about 1 year ago
============= Username:CFthanatos When you were banned : 23/03/2023 Person who banned you: no idea Reason you were banned: i was hacking ============= i recently joked on the server about making a bot way to kill phantoms cause they were so annoying and keept pushing me off while i was building , but then tought about it and made it, then after making and testing it in survival i forgot to take off the mod pack and wanted to see what else it could to (i created the phantom killing bot by modifing another client that i just installed for this exact purpos). i just tested out the flight hack and tought that it was very usefull that i didint have to build up every 2 sec, i know that this does not excuse my behavior and i do not intend to us this as an excuse. i now realize how dumb and clueless this decision was and i regret creating the phantom killing bot and installing this client that i have now removed cause i know that i would love to continue playing on this server and would really apreciat it if i could be unbanned or possibly have a ban time reduction as this is the only server i play on and i have meat some truelly great ppl on it. this is my first ever offence and i now again realize my mistake and that it was unfair of me to use this thing even for the littl amount of time that i did, as it was unfair for other players. kind regards CFthanatos
about 1 year ago
hello i recently got banned of of the server because i did /h and got banned. i just found out it is because i aparently x-rayed but i did not
about 1 year ago