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Nah, this rarely ever happens, contrary to popular belif, so good on you!
over 11 years ago
Okay. I am taking it to the forums, like you morons won't shut up about. I already know of the staff on prison being idiots and abusing their power, deeming every rule to the extent THEY want, not what everyone else wants, or what is right. Lets mark this off, shall we? 1 - Illegitimate reasons for mute. 2 - Illegitimate reasons for death 3 - Illegitimate rule-following Already we have three This is going to be talking about one of the more "recent" experiencing I have had of the sort. So there I was, talking about how GamingShades got the boot off of Minetown. When I said the reason though, I was perplexed. I said the word "Nazism", funny huh? The word "Nazi" was censored! I said to myself there "Who in the name of f--- could get offended by "Nazi"! To the extent that it was censored! So, I tried to make my point across and did what any person would, and said each letter in chat. Individually. Now, I do in fact, now this is spam. Which I so humbly stopped. I then asked, "Why is "Nazi" censored?" To which Jimbo and I then had a discussion of which he then said "It is not up for discussion" or some other bull answer that every guard gives when they don't want to explain, or just don't know. Paraphrasing here. AAAAAAAAAAAND it went to Atheist Hell from there. One thing I can vouch for though, is the fact that I did-in fact- stop spamming. Know what I got muted for? Muted for: Prof/Spam/I said stoop (For 9 Minutes! The first mute! NINE MINUTES!) No, really, he said "stoop" Okay! Role-call check of what was legit! Profanity - Never did it to begin with Spam - Stopped that when he told me to "I said stoop" - Actually, no, you cannot mute me because you said "stoop".....that's like saying "Jimbo, stop killing me! I said stoop! nooO!" *But this one may be in the least bit justified because I did, in fact, hound the subject in my defense. But still, not justified enough* Again, same thing with Insert, because I got in a discussion about why I was muted. Except this time, i was muted because of Get this "Talking about Reports" Whut? Anyway. Here are the links to each piece. The Gyzos were taken after the first mute. Some info is in here not in this fourm post. I suggest you look at them. Should be in chronological order, if not, let me know before you lock this discussion for no reason. (Talking to you, Dark) Okay! Now THAT story arc is out of the way, here is another one! On a fine winter day, the one that chills yer bones, I decided to protest. I was pissed. So I decided to tell people of my hate, because, actually, I can in fact, do that. It started off with me saying something about how I was blamed for things I didn't do, and when it happens, their word is law on the unjust ruling. Eh, complaints. But then, our little friend gardiner_1 said I was bringing up the subject again, which I was not. This proved infutile, as jimbo got on, muted me for... Officer. What The Everliving F--- Okay, Okay. Maybe I DID in fact, bring the subject up (which was not my intention) and I DID in fact, whine a little. But when you kick a puppy, don't expect it to comply! That was that, short little thing Same thing, Gyzos sum this thing up. Look at them and laugh! That is all, and may you never be cursed with dealing with these people!* *Please Note - I actually do enjoy these people, sometimes. They are not that bad and I in no way hate them. If I wanted to point any fingers at who I hate, It would be . Only finger I am going to point.
over 11 years ago
Tryin this again inecraft Ingame Name: WOOTman12345 Age: 14 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Centeral Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): Most all the time, unless on special occasions that I go play Gmod. Other than my Gmod time, Minetown is what I play 24/7. How long have you been in Minetown and the Prison: About to get 2 Year vet. I think. Not good at time manaagement. I've been paying prison since it first started, meaning Beta. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Nope Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: To have a server in which RP is enforced, and IN the server, the goal is to get to Freedom safely. How is your PvP (Player versus Player) Skills?: I pride myself as a ferocious PvPer. I am an archer at heart, but can settle for any position really on the battlefield. Have you spoken much on Minetown Teamspeak?: I have it and use it a bit, no one is really on though Do you have Skype?: How do you think I talk to Brennan4444, Parakeek, mojo1932 and GamingShades constantly? Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Administration or Prison Administration?: I have been a guard before. And I have been OP/Owner on other servers. I got the gist down. Why is it essential for Guards to control their emotions? So we don't blow our stuff and go beserk, and with their armor, kill everyone is a mass RDM spree. They are also looked up to, so why set a bad exampe What makes you stand out above other users applying? I pride myself in a possibly-above-average mix of every emotion, with my solitude-like nature and (possible) insanity and (definitely) schizophrenia ( I do have that disorder, btw). Anyway, the point is, I am a unique person in all the good and bad ways, a neutral, if you will. I could kiss a puppy and then kick his/her master for no reason whatsoever. What do you think you need to improve on? List your weaknesses here: I am a bit rash, swear sometimes, a VERY sarcastic person (to the point of insulting someone in the form of sarcasm), and I am a succer for death. Prison staff contribute a lot of time and effort into working as a team. Why do you think that teamwork is essential for staff in an environment like MT Prison?: Well DUH, I mean, like an ant colony, or hell, any colony. One single person can't go out and do his own bad thing, or else everyone suffers! Teamwork is the most important thing for people who run things. Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I make no friends, and do not let them interfere. I also love having some form of respect/acknowledgment that I am a important person, and want someone to look up to me, and be inspired, or just find myself useful. Period. 1) If a group of players were actively PVPing and you were the only guard online, what steps would you take? Call in others, and get them jailed/killed. Simple 2) You see a death messages appear in chat of players killing other players, what do you do? Inspect that area, monitor the person who did the crime, and if he does it again infront me, kill him. 3) A player is running around intoxicated on drugs, what do you do? Kill him. Drugs are KOS. If not, jail him. 4) How often should you patrol the PVP areas? If you are on duty, all the time. That is the only area where PvP is possible, and people can be killed. It is the most sensable thing to do. 5) When can you ask for a player to be searched so contrabands are removed? If they are jailed three times for something of the sort related to contraband. 6) What do you think is the most important rule to know about staff having staff kits? Either don't spam them, or DO NOT keep them for your own personal use. 7) If you kill players and they drop items, can you keep or give away the items? Once you have them, dispose of them or keep them.It is up to the officer. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> Can staff be involved with bounties? What do you know about staff and bounties? They can create bounties, and accept them, but cannot kill a player souly for the bounty. 9) What can you do if you have a player getting in your way when you are getting contrabands from other players?Kill them. Immediately. 10) What should you do if you see a player selling drugs (sugar and cactus green) in chat? Warn them of selling drugs in chat, and if they do it again, mute them. Don't drop the soap!
over 11 years ago
Waiting would be best, why start something relatively close to when you have to tear it down/renovate/restrict things? It just seems more sensible to wait for something better, apposed to getting it instantly (relatively) and not getting the full experience. It all counts on the experience.
over 11 years ago
WOOTman12345 Central Timezone
over 11 years ago