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over 14 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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Damn degenerates
over 4 years ago
When: Dec 2010 Where: Japan How: Ancient server list, was the only one that actually had a domain name. Website: Uh, this one? What were your thoughts of it then?: Cool bunch of guys, ****ed around and gave no ****s about what went down. What are your thoughts now?: Jesus christ it might as well be tumblr If you could add or change 1 thing what would it be?: Instate BrolyMaximum as owner and let him dictate the rules What is your most fondest memory in Minetown? 13k TNT detonation to destroy bedrock
over 9 years ago
@1392481 wrote: once you read this you cant stop i am a heron i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak if you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans Christ that's some low quality
over 9 years ago
@855252 wrote: bush did 9/11 How could 9/11 be an inside job if the planes came from outside the building? Checkmate Fascists.
over 9 years ago
@1215969 wrote: It uses words like the following Mother Fucker, Bitch, ass, pussy. Dick, Shit, Nigga All words censored by our filter...thus not allowed on the server. This is why we have a warning every time you clock a link stating that it might be unsafe
over 9 years ago