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[E] Stickman
[E] Stickman
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over 13 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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I remember a few updates ago there was a temporary server with the latest update just for minetown members to mess around with. Will there be anything similar to that in this update?
over 9 years ago
Simple forum game : basically post anything you've experienced with minetown that has since changed but starting with "Back in my day...". Feel free to attach any images, screenshots, etc. Please don't post the same experience as someone else. I'll start us off : Back in my day, the only way to become a member was to apply!
over 9 years ago
Hi there guys, Stickman. Most of you probably don't know me but if you do you haven't seen me in a long time. I'm sorta returning to the server but that's not why I'm making this thread. I was just curious on one thing, how did you guys find Minetown and what made you stay? For me, my brother used my minecraft account before i did and went on this server before me. He was introduced by one of his friends. When he stopped playing, I picked up where he left off. I stayed for the good community and friends I had, though i left for a while when i lost general interest in minecraft. So please, let me know how you found your way here, I'm curious. - Stickman
over 9 years ago
I would like to share with the world of minetown one of the best videos in youtube's existence. You will enjoy. Post responses.
over 10 years ago